West Bengal Pollution Control Board

Siliguri Laboratory

Paribesh Bhawan, Paribahan Nagar, P.O. Matigara, Siliguri,Darjeeling 734 428.

Station: MAHANANDA D/S, RAMGHAT River Basin: Mahananda CPCB Station Code: 2525
Sample Date: 21/01/2021 Sample Time: 08:00  
Human Activities: Bathing and Washing and Cattle wading. Weather: Sunny and Clear. Water Body: Ramghat on Mahananda
Frequency Of Monitoring: Quarterly Use Based Class: C Approximate Depth(Bottom/Table): 1.00 m 
Color & Intensity: Dark Green and turbid Odour: Fishy and Septic. Visible effluent discharge: High.

Water Quality
Parameter Test Result Unit
  Conductivity   230.80   µs/cm
  Nitrate-N   0.038   mg/l
  Boron   4.11   mg/l
  Magnesium   2.88   mg/l
  Sodium   7.00   mg/l
  Total Fixed Solids(TFS)   10.00   mg/l
  Ammonia-N   0.92   mg/l
  Total Dissolved Solids(TDS)   166.00   mg/l
  BOD   11.00   mg/l
  Dissolved O2(DO)   5.0   mg/l
  Fecal Coliform   130000   MPN/100ml
  Fecal Streptococci   350   MPN/100ml
  pH   6.80   Unit
  Temperature(Water)   20   ⁰C
  Total Coliform   220000   MPN/100ml
  Calcium   3.20   mg/l
  Chloride   2.93   mg/l
  COD   86.0   mg/l
  Fluoride   BDL   mg/l
  Phenolpthalein Alkanity   NIL   mg/l
  Phosphate-P   0.040   mg/l
  Potassium   3.90   mg/l
  Sulphate   38.57   mg/l
  Total Alkalinity   20.0   mg/l
  Total Hardness as CaCo3   18.00   mg/l
  Total Suspended Solids(TSS)   99.0   mg/l
  Turbidity      NTU